Home Automation Software
- Deciding the layout for your home automation system will depend on your needs. Take a look at these System Layout Examples that can help you decide.
- Installing the software for a full home automation system can be complicated. We have developed install scripts that make it easier to install the full set of software you will likely need:
- Complete installer and quick start guide for Windows
- Complete installer for Linux
- Setting up and testing an Odroid C2 server
- If you already are using some components of a home automation system you may want to install individual software components:
- openHAB Installation
- openHAB Installation for Windows
- openHAB Installation for Linux
- GUI Installation instructions
- Command line installation instructions
- openHAB website installation instructions
- Linux openHAB configuration
- Starting openHAB on LInux
- openHAB Installation for OSX
- MQTT Installation
- MQTT Installation for Windows
- MQTT Installation for Linux
- MQTT Installation for OSX
- openHAB and MQTT
- You will need to customize your installation for the specific devices you want to use:
- Using the home automation software